Baby Ticker

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby names

Naming a baby... wow! It is such a responsibility, and so much fun all at the same time. I've been sitting here with Brittany and Clay discussing possibilities, and it seems kind of overwhelming when I consider just how many names are out there. Girl names are easy for me. They always have been. I knew what Brittany's name would be long before I ever imagined my actual Brittany. With Zach, it was a little harder. I had a couple of names picked out, but I had to actually see him before I decided which it was. I knew the second I laid eyes on him that he was a Zachary. This time, it seems to be the same. Clay and I both have such an easy time with girl names, but boy names are harder. We actually have narrowed it down and are almost positive about what we'll be naming our little girl (if it turns out to be one!), but it is harder to choose a boy name. We both want one that sounds solid without projecting too much testosterone. :)

We should be finding out the gender within the next few weeks, so that may make things a lot easier!

Friday, November 28, 2008

It's been a while!

Well, I had good intentions when I started this blog. I was going to keep up with all of the little things that go along with pregnancy... I just forgot to factor in the morning sickness! So, here I am a couple of months down the road, feeling more like looking at the computer screen. Other than feeling sick (Zofran became my best friend), this has been a relatively normal pregnancy, so far. We've had a couple of ultrasounds, and everything looks great. This is our u/s at 7w4d. Just a little bean with arms and a great heartbeat!

Our next u/s was at 10w3d, and we got some great shots! To get an idea of the first picture, pretend the baby is upside down in the upper right corner. Its little arms are thrown back over its head (just like Brittany and I both sleep). The second picture shows a front view with the arms and knees pulled up.

Everyone is really excited about the baby. Brittany and Zach talk about it a lot. Zach wants it to be a little boy (he says he has "too many sisters"), and Brittany wants it to be a little girl. Both of them think it is a little girl. Clay thinks the same thing. They have all been great throughout the past couple of months. Clay has gotten the kids up and ready for school, dropped them off (on time!), and has cooked whatever I thought I could eat. He is going to be a wonderful daddy to this little baby. Not that I had any doubts... he is great with Brittany and Zach!

So, that brings me up to date. I will be 13 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and I'm feeling quite a bit better. The worst now is the heartburn. Nothing seems to take it away, and everything I eat is pretty much going to cause it to get worse. Dr. S says it will go away before long and then come back in the 3rd trimester. I will take any break I can get for now!