Baby Ticker

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The project begins!

I am really excited! We have been looking at baby bedding, furniture, paint colors, etc. for so long (it seems, anyway). Well, today the painter came and he says he can start on Monday! We are going to have him paint the baby's room and Zach's room. Zach's is blue, and I think it is just too dark and makes his room feel like a cave. So, he has chosen a new color and is excited about it! Brittany loves her pink walls, but she wants to add some polka dots, so we are going to order some of the stick-on wall dots for her. The baby's room will go from a cave-like dark green color to a much lighter color. :)

So, now that we have the painter lined up, I went ahead and ordered the furniture! It is scheduled to ship in two weeks. We already have a lot of the bedding and room accessories, so I am really excited to get it all set up and ready! I will definitely be taking before and after pictures, because I think it is going to look totally different. Of course, it would help if I could find that camera cord...

In pregnancy news, everything is pretty much the same. I am feeling more movement, and I've been a little crampy for the past couple of days. I guess everything is stretching to accommodate the baby. Otherwise, I feel pretty good, and I am just counting down the weeks. We are so excited to meet this little girl! Brittany and Zach talk about her a lot, and I know they also are really excited for her to be here!


ME said...

Hi Mandy! This is Ericka from FF! Doesn't it feel good to be getting everything all together?! Okay, so my page is and don't forget the c and the k! :-)

ME said...

Oh, and I love your U/S pics - I love the one of her either sucking her thumb or saying hi! I dunno what, but that is super cute!

Erika said...

Hi Mandy! How exciting! I just love planning for a new baby! =)
-Erika (from FF June)